
Listen to a compilation of collaborations:


I love collaborating because it holds so many possibilities for creativity:

  • creating community,

  • creating new understanding,

  • creating unique work.

The vignettes below offer a sense of the types of collaborations I've been involved with, and ways I have been involved.

In collaboration with cellist, Lori Goldston, I re-worked the folk tradition song best know as 'Black is the Color'. For this project, I researched versions by Jean Ritchie, Nina Simone and Joan Baez to create a new recorded version where I sang and Lori improvised cello accompaniment.

In partnership with the Jack Straw program 'Poetry & Sound' in schools, I have created songs inspired by the poems of elementary school students. Each time, distilling their poems into lyrics and music. In these projects, I write a single class song based on their poems, share the new song with the class, and ultimately, after learning the song together, we go into the studio and record it. The first of these, 'We Are All Stars,' is featured in the playlist below.

I have also collaborated with creative partners Doris Bartha and Steve Brush to score an animation short film called '2 Old Chicks.' We each scored specific scenes with the music recorded by a 50+ piece orchestra.

Find more about my work and experience in my press kit bio.

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  • “J.R. is amazing. I asked her to sing on a project — I gave her very little info, just lyric sheets and a few mp3s. I said “I trust you. Get inside the songs — do what you think is right.” She came into the studio a few weeks later and knocked everybody over — soulful, understated, right on target with the melody and the lyric. First take. Whatever it is that she has access to — whatever informs her art — is worth every second of your time."

    - Folk Singer Songwriter, Jim Page